Numerology Answers > What Does This Number Mean?

I Keep Seeing 12:34 on the Clock

I keep seeing 12:34 on the clock, on my phone, on TV. It might be random. Thought I'd ask about it.

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

It might be random. Probably not completely random.

Random can contain patterns for a while, but it generally isn't sustained very long.

What may be happening to jinx pure randomness is that your wondering about it has sensitized your consciousness to the number. Thus, your attention tends to be attracted to it whenever it's somewhere in your environment.

Have a look at the meaning of the number 1234. I think you'll enjoy the read.

The number 12 means, among other things, creative expression, and the number 34, introspection. Looking at your question, I think the meaning of 1234 is more pertinent than the two separate numbers in a clock time.

Your numerology chart doesn't contain 1234, 12, or 34 at any of the major positions. Which is why I'm thinking you seeing the number as often as you are has some to do with random noticing, with your enhanced sensitivity to the number being responsible for most of the occurrences.

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