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Seeing My Girl's Birthday Numbers (and Mine, Too)
Recently I have been seeing this girl that I've been seeing the most for a year now and I keep on seeing her birthday 711 or 11 7. The weirdest thing is that my birthday is the 611 and 11 6. Sometimes I see them both combined together and it keeps me wondering what does it mean. Can anyone answer my questions. Is it because their angels are trying to talk to me or is there something that I need to learn?
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
When unusual things happen that might significantly impact a person's life, and they don't know why it's happening, speculation abounds.
The answers are simple. You'll find them described in the Why You Start Seeing Certain Numbers Again and Again article and the Why People See Certain Numbers All the Time article.
I'll also discuss some things related to your particular instance here.
In essence, people see many numbers during the course of a day. Sometimes, they remember seeing certain numbers, but mostly they forget the numbers they've seen.
When numbers are remembered, they generally are numbers with personal meaning or emotional significance.
Your girl's birthday has personal meaning to you, probably even emotional significance. Your birthday has personal meaning to you.
Therefore, you remember those numbers when you see them.
Because you remember those numbers so often, it starts to seem like there must be a reason.
And there is a reason. But if you don't know what the reason is, then a person begins to speculate. Some people speculate that a good thing is going to happen, some that bad things are going to happen, and others speculate that there must somehow be a message associated with remembering those numbers.
Because they begin to speculate, the numbers now have even more emotional significance. And they're remembered even more often.
This can go on and on, seeing the numbers more and more, until the reason is known.
The reason is that only a few numbers are remembered when they're seen and all other numbers are not remembered. Thus, it seems like the remembered ones are the only numbers being seen.
On a separate note, it may be interesting to you and your girl to see what your numerology readings are. There are free readings available at this website.
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