Numerology Answers > What Does This Number Mean?

83495, 83765, 93971, and 97170

I have recently woke up (on 2 separate occasions) repeating a set of 2 numbers both times. The first set of 2 numbers a few weeks ago was 83495 & 83765. This morning (01/19/11) I woke up with the following set of 2 numbers: 93971 & 97170. Both times I woke up from/after a dream. I do not remember the dream from a few weeks ago and do remember part of the dream from this morning. I do however remember NOT seeing any of these numbers in either of the dreams and I say this with absolute surety as both times I woke up asking myself why am I repeating these numbers in my head without having seen the numbers in the dream. Can you tell me what the numbers mean. The first 3 out of the 4 set of numbers add up to 29 and the last to 24 which added further come to 11, 11, 11 and 6. Any assistance appreciated. Thank you.

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

This is very interesting.

From your question, I sense you've already done the numerology. Still, let me mention a few things for the benefit of others who will read this and also, perhaps, provide one or more points of view you have not yet considered.

Your name number is a 7, a number of introspection, intelligence, spirituality, and ancient wisdom. Your current Pinnacle is also a number 7. It is no wonder you are wanting to know the reason for things.

(The pinnacles are 4 cycles during a person's lifetime. Each cycle brings with it the influence of a number into the person's life. If the number is the same as another major number, the influence of the number is enhanced.)

Your birth date is a number 5 making a lifetime of changes highly likely.

Your vowels number is a 9, telling me your heart's desire is to benefit humanity.

Your personal year number for next year (2012) is master number 22, the most powerful of all numbers. It can turn your dearest dreams into reality and help you achieve goals larger than your personal ambition. The number 22 is too powerful for many to handle. But I think you have the wherewithal to ride the wave with it.

(The personal year number is a special influence that sets the tone for the entire calendar year.)

Now, the numbers you woke up repeating.

As you already learned, the first three numbers each add up to 11. The number 11 is the most intuitive of all numbers. It is illumination, highly spiritual, and a teacher.

The fourth number is a 24, which reduces to 6. The 6 is a number of harmony and healing.

The number 11 also reduces to the number 2 (cooperation, diplomacy, teamwork). It is noteworthy that the number 2 is the only digit not represented in any of the four numbers you woke up repeating.

For the benefit of other readers, the way to reduce a multi-digit number to a single digit is to add the digits together. If the result is more than 9, add the digits together again.

83495: 8+3+4+9+5=29 2+9=11 1+1=2
83765: 8+3+7+6+5=29 2+9=11 1+1=2
93971: 9+3+9+7+1=29 2+9=11 1+1=2
97170: 9+7+1+7+0=24 2+4=6

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