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Deaths On The 7th

My Grandmother (my moms mother) died 7-7-2003. My father died 7-7-2007. And my mother died 4-7-2012. What does the 7th mean?

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

I am sorry for your loss.

The numerology number 7 is both an introspective and a spiritual number. It also has a connection to ancient wisdom.

Your own numerology name number is a 7. And you have no doubt noticed your birth month number.

When a family's predominate characteristics are inclined so they match a certain number very well, that number can show up in the family's numerology profiles more than a random number distribution would suggest. A specific number can also be present more than expected even with random distribution; however, the predominate characteristics of a family seem to have an energetic influence on the timing of events and the names chosen for newborns.

It is likely the numerology number 7 resonates well with your family's characteristics. If you'll do a reading for each of your siblings, and perhaps also for uncles and aunts, I expect you'll find more 7's.

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