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Seeing Number Patterns

Image for 'Seeing Number Patterns' numerology answer

For a couple of years or so I have been seeing number patterns, mostly on clocks but also on signs or print material etc. The most frequent are either 11:11 or 01:11. But I also see 9:11 quite a bit as well, just not as often as the first two. I also see 3:33, 4:44 & rarely other number sequences. I also see 323 a lot as well. Can you help me understand the reason & or meaning behind this?

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

The most likely reason you see those number sequences is because they are notable. You see the number, note its pattern and, because you noted it, remember seeing it.

You don't remember seeing the other dozens or perhaps hundreds of numbers you see every day. Only the ones you, personally, find notable.

Generally, a person remembers seeing a number when the number has personal meaning or emotional significance, something that makes the number notable to the person. When someone is sensitive to recognizing number patterns, those can become notable.

You'll see more about this in the Why People See Certain Numbers All the Time article.

Personal meaning is subjective. Numerology isn't suitable for calculating the personal meanings behind why certain things are noticed.

If you wish to read about the meanings of the numbers you see (interpretations of the energy represented by the numbers), the index to number meanings contains links to full-page interpretations for many dozens of numbers. For those not on the list, the meaning of any number calculator can be used.

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