Numerology Answers > What Does This Number Mean?
A Relationship Meant to Be
I know that my life path number is 3, and I know everything about what that means. I also know my hearts desire number is 8. My question is, am I more compatible with an 8 life path because of my hearts desire number? Or does that not play into effect at all? The specific person this question is about: [birth name and date removed] We have this unexplained connection. People around us have always said "you two are just bound to be together" another said "i can feel it. I have a gut feeling" and ever since I've known him I've always felt extremely.. Different, with him. We've never dated. We're best friends, who have had a physical encounterment a few times leading to things that he does not to this day. I'm moving back home soon (it's been 11 months since I've seen him) and everybody says "he can't stop talking about you, he's changed" .. I also went to a psychic who sees love in my future around July, which is when I will be home. Thank you for the time you take to respond :)
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
Perhaps your name was mistyped when you submitted the question, or perhaps your reference to the heart's desire number is to a different position in the numerology chart than to the position I label as "heart's desire." My chart position for the heart's desire is calculated from the vowels of the name.
When I calculate your name, the 8 is the destiny/expression number, which is calculated from all the letters of a person's name.
Your name number 8 and his birthday number 8 is likely to be the reason for at least some of the attraction. There may be additional reasons, too. Use the compatibility tool for its results. Also realize there may be reasons outside the realm of numerology.
Your name number 8 of course tends to lean toward needing to know the reason for things so you're better able to control it. How about, in this important case, just letting the attraction exist as itself rather than dissecting it to try to find the reason for it's existence?
There is such a thing as passive control which, in essence, means letting things be as they are and become as they will, with perhaps a bit of leading by example (rather than hands-on, direct control), because direct control could destroy it or it's process.
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