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My Eyes Automatically Go To See the Number 49

Image for 'My Eyes Automatically Go To See the Number 49' numerology answer

My university id number is F16CS49. Here, I am 49. We have traditional attendance system. I mean by calling 49 I say present in class. I am still studying and now in 2nd last year of my graduation, but I noticed 49 is everywhere, popping everywhere in front of me. In facebook comment numbers count, in my teachers slide and in their computer problems, in my statistics book. I mean a lot of problem having sample number 49, then after on T.V or if I am watching time suddenly I saw 10:49pm like this. I mean my eyes automatically go to see this number only. Please guide me.

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

When it comes to numbers and remembering seeing only a certain number, it indicates the person has assigned a meaning or experiences an emotional significance in relation to that number. Otherwise, seeing the number would not be remembered, like other numbers are not remembered.

The numerology energy that the number 49 represents has to do with, among other things, methodology and constructing a secure foundation for the future.

It is unknown to me what your subjective meaning or significance was about the number 49 that got you to first remember that you saw the number. But the reason you continue seeing it is clear; there is a huge emotional significance related to what is perceived as a mystery and your need to know what it means. Therefore, whenever the number is in your environment, your consciousness directs your attention to it — and you remember seeing it and you wonder about it, which solidifies the emotional significance even more.

If you can let go of the need to know and be satisfied that the mystery was caused because of a subjective significance, then you are likely to see the number 49 less and less as time goes on.

I wish you well at University.

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