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Seeing the Number 4, and Also 22

I'd like to receive any information I can about the number four (and often also 4:22) and why I see it everywhere. It shows up in my birthday once, three times if you do a few mathematical backflips. I've been told my name somehow calculates out to four in numerology. I find myself noticing the time is 4:22 all the time, A.M. and P.M. I feel like I see it right and left. Have I just conditioned myself to see it? Is it just because it's related to my birthday? If nothing else, just inform me that I'm being nutty.

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

You're not being nutty. It's not unusual for people to see their birthday numbers in their environment. The birthday numbers have personal meaning. When they're seen, the seeing is remembered because the meaning is associated with it.

Yes, two of your three major name numbers are the number 4 — your destiny number and your personality number.

With the affinity for the number those tend to provide, and the fact that your birth month is the number 4, it's not surprising you remember seeing the number whenever you notice it.

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