Numerology Answers > What Does This Number Mean?
11, 1111, and Inverted Numbers
After seeing 11 and 1111 multiple times every hour and every day. It progressed to 56, 47, 29, 65, 92 etc.. But now I'm seeing inverted numbers. 212, 1221, 14, 41, 818, 313, 151 etc. is too often to be dismissed, over 10-20 times a day. Any meaning into this?
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
What it means, mostly, is that you remember seeing more numbers than most people do.
Most people see many numbers during the course of a day. But only a few, if any, are remembered.
The ones that are remembered generally have a personal meaning, are emotionally significant, or are unique in a noteworthy way.
There is no significant number 11 or number 1111 in your numerology chart. Your memory of seeing them tells me there's something else that attracted your attention to the number.
When a person does remember seeing a number, and they remember seeing the same number again, and perhaps yet again, they tend to think perhaps there's a special personal meaning or message associated with the seeing.
At that point, a mystery is created, a mystery that seems like it has the potential of affecting ones own existence. The mind will now try to bring the conscious attention to everything that may help solve the mystery, including seeing and remembering the very numbers associated with the mystery.
Sometimes, as in your case, seeing other numbers is also remembered. Now there are several or many numbers associated with the mystery. And perhaps more numbers will pile on, until it seems there are so many significant numbers that they're hard to keep track of.
It's the remembering that makes it seem like there should be a reason. Numbers that aren't remembered don't have that expectation attached.
The more the numbers are remembered, the more they seem like there should be a reason.
Let the reason be that the numbers are significant because of your own point of view and conclusions — not that there are meanings from someone or something else associated with those numbers.
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