Numerology Answers > What Does This Number Mean?

(Continued) 1:11, 11:11, 12:12, 21, 24, 44, 214, 241, 412

Hello sir, I was actually stunned and amazed at what you had just told me before I was the one who asked about the numbers... (1:11, 11:11, 12:12, 21, 24, 44, 214, 241, 412) before... :P I'm hoping you don't mind if i ask another question. You have mentioned that the other numbers, 2 and 4, are only present because of the influence of my ex. What does it mean? I'm just curious because... does that mean that he is still currently present in my life because i see this numbers, or is it because I let it influence me? I'm asking because I guess I'm also curious if we do still have a chance of getting back together and maybe these numbers keep on showing up because it means something... I would gladly appreciate your input on this. I will be waiting patiently. :)

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

In the previous answer, I speculated that perhaps the 2 and the 4 are numbers influenced by your ex because I didn't see them as any major numbers in your numerology profile.

Association with someone, especially if long term or intimate, results in exchange of energy. Each close association causes each person to become a tiny bit more like the other. It is the reason many couples who have been married for decades share many characteristics. Not only do they get to know each other, they tend to become each other.

The other person's energy will begin to dissipate when association is discontinued. How fast the dissipation occurs depends much on how thorough is the disassociation.

The name and birth date of your ex that you provided with this numerology question, shows his destiny (name number) is a 2 and his personality (consonants number) is a 4. His current life cycle is also a 4. And, three of his four challenge numbers are 4's.

A life cycle is a period of time where a certain number has more influence than it would otherwise. Life cycles last several decades.

A challenge number represents an area of life likely to be troublesome. With the 4 present three times in the challenges, he may be challenged in the areas of career or building for the future. However, with the four personality and the 4 life cycle, those challenges may be mitigated. Challenges generally reassert themselves until the person has come to terms with the fact of their existence.

The number 2 in numerology represents partnerships, diplomacy, and sensitivity. The number 4 represents building for the future, reliability, and paying attention to details.

By the way, the birth date you provided for yourself with this question is not the same as the one provided with the previous question. The day of the month is different. If you were born on the 28th, then your life path number (birth date number) is 4. Which may be one reason you resonate so well with your ex, with his number 4 for personality, challenge, and life cycle numbers.

A mistyped birth date can make a lot of difference in a reading :)

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