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Seeing Numbers Since Last Year Starting with 11:11 and 111
Hey I have been seeing numbers since last year. It started at a time when I was very depressed and hopeless. I have done a lot of praying and have been delivered from my depression. I am now happy. I started out seeing 11:11 and 111 first. Its so weird that I met my fiance in April of 2011, he has 111 in his social security number, we moved to an apartment and the address was 1115. We have recently moved and our address is 11. This is freaking me out. The number won't go away. His name is [name removed] and birthday is [date removed]. Now I have began to see my birthday 516 and my 6 year old daughter birthday 1006. So I see 11:11, 111, 516 and 1006 constantly. I don't know what theses numbers mean. Now when I see these numbers I stop and think about what I was thinking at the time and pray. But that still doesn't help to not be freaked out. Seeing these numbers make me think that something bad is going to happen to me or my daughter. If you have any insight that would be great. I have researched 11:11 since last year and read a lot about angels, but I can not put it together or figure anything out.
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
Yes, looking at your chart, I understand it feels like the enigma must be solved and there is a certain amount of desperation.
Your numerology destiny number is a 7, a number where answers generally are found within. Both your heart's desire and personality numbers are 8, a number of being in control and desiring to know exactly what steps to take to reach specific goals.
First of all, let me mention that numbers are neither lucky nor unlucky. They just exist. However, the reaction to certain numbers can cause events that are seen as lucky or unlucky. Similarly, belief that certain numbers are lucky or unlucky will predispose a person to see circumstances and events through that belief filter and even attract circumstances and events that align with the belief.
My hunch is your need to resolve the question is what causes more and more numbers to be seen. When the first question wasn't resolved satisfactorily, events in your life, along with your subconscious, directed your attention to ever more numbers, providing additional ways to approach the question, in an attempt to help you solve the mystery.
Probably when 11:11 and 111 have been solved to your satisfaction, the number of "seeings" will slowly diminish. The numbers will still be in your environment, just like they always have been, and you'll still notice them from time to time, but the feeling that seeing the number must have a meaning is likely to diminish.
With all the research you've done, you know that different people put different meanings to seeing those numbers. Also that people will repeat what others said because it sounds right to them – whether or not they've thought it through or personally experienced the rightness of the answer.
Here are some things to consider, related to the numerology meanings or essences of 11:11 and 111:
The number 1 is the self number. Self-sufficiency, self-determination, aloneness, and independence.
The number 11 is a spiritual number. Intuition, teaching, and charisma. The number 11 also has the cooperation, teamwork, and diplomacy characteristics of the number 2 and a good dose of the vibrations of the number 1.
A number doubled, as in 11:11, intensifies the vibration of the doubled number.
The number 111 is a number of inspiration, creative self-expression, and optimism similar to the number 3, but with a strong dose of independence and the other aspects of the number 1 thrown into the mix.
Perhaps those definitions will help to find your personal answer.
The articles listed at the seeing numbers repeatedly index also may help. Some of the articles may seem to be irreverent. But they are all valid points of view.
After understanding the different ways to approach it, you'll be in much better position to solve the mystery.
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