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Lots and Lots of Repetitive Numbers

I was introduced to angel numbers a year ago. It started with seeing 444. Then I continued to see 555, 222, 333, 777, 999, 888, 222, and 555 a lot. And then I started to see 911, 811, 211, 311, 411, 441, 511, 1122, 1144, 155, 111, 1111 and the list goes on and on. Every single day, I now see all of them, in addition to 717, 818, 919, 1011, my birthdate, 122, 455, and all double digits as well. It's driving me nuts. I look up the meaning as angel numbers, and I guess I am an earth angel?? LOL. And there is so much change going and to keep the faith. Nothing has changed, so I don't get it. I ignore the numbers now, well, sometimes :-) It's kind of hard. I just wish everything will actually come true, it's been a rough road.

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

Unfortunately, I'm unprepared to talk about angel numbers. But I can talk about numerology numbers and their meanings.

Let me first suggest that if something doesn't work as advertised or as its professional practitioners say it should, then it may be appropriate to abandon that thing — or find a professional practitioner who can and is willing to show you how it will work for you, for you personally.

The numbers you're seeing would exist in your environment even if you didn't see them. You are being very observant. The fact that you see the numbers that exist doesn't necessarily give the numbers more significance than they already naturally have.

Bestowing undue significance to the fact of seeing certain numbers tends to create a mystery. Mysteries want to be solved. Your subconscious is likely to direct your conscious attention to the very numbers you wonder about whenever those numbers are available to be seen. Which, then, tends to make it more significant and the number more mysterious.

See the seeing certain numbers or sets of numbers repetitively index for a number of articles that can clarify why people keep seeing certain numbers.

For the numerology meanings of the numbers you're seeing, see the number meanings index. Many numbers have a whole article written about them. For those that don't, see the numerology meaning of any number calculator.

Your heart's desire number is the master number 11. Your current life period cycle is also the master number 11. The number 11 may predispose you to wonder more about the significance of circumstances, like repetitively seeing certain numbers, than would be the case for at least some other people.

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