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Seeing 10:26 After 12:34
Every day I see 10:26am and 10:26pm, even on multiple devices. It never fails that I don't see it. My ex-boyfriend's birthday is 10/26/[year removed]. 10:26 is what i see every single day now a days, but a year or so ago, it was 12:34. what is going on? What does this mean?
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
Usually, when people see a certain number again and again it's because the number has personal meaning, emotional significance, or appears to be unusual or remarkable in some respect.
What happens is that of all the numbers a person sees during the day, the ones that are remembered are the ones with that quality or personal relevance (meaning, significance, or unusual/remarkable).
10:26 is your ex-boyfriends birthday. 12:34 could be deemed to be unusual or remarkable because it's composed of sequential digits.
The meaning of individual numbers can be found at the number meanings index. 10, 26, 12, 34, and 1234 have links to pages that talks about what they mean. Click here for number 1026 meaning, which is not listed on the meanings index page.
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