Numerology Answers > What Does This Number Mean?
Everyday I look at the clock whether it's in the morning and evening and it's 10:11. If I don't see it on the clock I will see it somewhere else. I'm telling you it's every single day. It's been happening for many many years. I've always wanted to find out the meaning behind the numbers.
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
Your numerology life path number is 10 and your numerology heart's desire number is 11. Those vibes may have a lot to do with why you are so sensitized to 10:11.
The life path number is obtained from your birth date. The heart's desire number is obtained from the vowels of your name.
The number 10 means, in essence, a new start after completion of the previous cycle. The number 10 reduces to the number 1, which is a number of leadership, independence, and exploration. The meaning of the number 10 is a blending of its meaning with the meaning of the number 1.
The number 11 means, in essence, spiritual living and teaching. The number 11 reduces to the number 2, which is a number of teamwork, diplomacy, and relationships. The meaning of the number 11 is a blending of its meaning with the meaning of the number 2.
In numerology, numbers are generally reduced to a single digit. Except 11 and 22 in some positions. Thus, your life path is actually the number 1 reduced from 10. Your heart's desire number, however, stays at number 11, even though the number would be reduced to the digit 2 in some other positions.
Your destiny number (which is determined from all letters of your name), before reducing, is 222. This may support your heart's desire number. Your destiny number reduced to a digit is 6, a number of home, harmony, and health.
My feeling about your seeing 10:11 every day for years is two fold. First, your life path and heart's desire numbers make you more sensitive to the time 10:11 than other times would be. Second, once you became aware of how often you were seeing that time on the clock, the awareness reinforced the tendency to notice the 10:11 time.
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