Numerology Answers > What Does This Number Mean?

11:11, 9:11, 4:11, 5:55, and $4.01

This numbers thing started when I would wake everyday wide awake at 11:11am. That went on for two weeks. Then I was seeing numbers such as 9:11, and 4:44. Now been seeing 5:55, and the last two times I went through the drive thru, at different restaurants the total came up to $4.01. I was thinking about someone both times, the same person. This is why it caught me by surprise. Any correlation? What do these numbers mean? Thank you for you time and answers.

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

The number 11:11 is significant, especially in your case when it is repeated every day in the same circumstances. Your heart's desire number (name vowels) is the number 11.

The number 11 is a number of heightened spiritual awareness and divine revelation. It is also a number of teaching spiritual or life subjects.

The number 11, written with two number ones side-by-side, symbolizes a channel from spiritual dimensions.

11 is intuitive, sensitive, inspirational, and a team player likely to be seen as the unofficial leader.

There is enormous potential within the number 11. Confidence is required to unlock the potential.

Determining what 11:11 means for you personally is outside the realm of numerology, although the numerology profile for the number 11 is essential to know.

Regarding the other numbers, after seeing 11:11 so often, your consciousness may have become sensitized to noticing repetitions and correlations you would otherwise not have noticed.

Unfortunately, I am unable to use numerology to correlate 4.01 with your friend without your friend's birth name and date.

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