Numerology Answers > What Does This Number Mean?
Seeing 1108 Every Morning and Every Evening
1108, It's my birthday, November 8th, it's also a part of my social security number. I also look at the clock in the morning every day at 11:08 and every evening at 11:08, I see the number every where. I've look up the whole angel meaning, but I still feel like I'm missing something. I feel like there's more meaning behind it.
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
There are several aspects to present in this response. Most important of the aspects is the idea that of all the numbers you see during the course of a day, you remember the ones you pay special attention to.
Most numbers people see don't stay in conscious memory. But some do.
Whether it has a special meaning (like a birthday), emotional significance (like an anniversary or other emotional event or association), or is otherwise noteworthy (sequential-digit numbers like 12:34 are an example), when a number is recognized more than other numbers — when it has extra mental attention paid to it at the moment it is noticed — then that number is more likely to be remembered as having been seen.
Because only certain numbers are remembered as having been seen, it seems to the person that those are the only numbers that were seen. That seeming tends to make a person feel like there must be a meaning behind it, some kind of message perhaps, but in any case a meaning that must surely be personal. When the number is seen on a clock, it can have the additional feeling that time is of the essence.
Not everybody remember it when they see their birthday numbers, or any numbers at all. But birthday numbers are remembered more than any others according to the many related questions we receive at this website.
People remember their birthday numbers because they recognize the number as representing their birthday. Thus it is with other numbers that have meaning or significance to the person. That recognition is the objective meaning of remembering the number was seen. Any other meanings are subjective.
Other aspects, all related to your numerology chart:
Your personality number is the master number 11. The energy represented by that number is likely to bring your attention to occurrences that may have spiritual or immediate-life meaning to yourself.
And your destiny number is the number 8, a number that represents energy resonating with business, organization, efficiency, and being in control.
It may be that the energies of those two numbers nudge you toward needing to find out the meaning of remembering seeing your birthday number as often as you do. The perceived need to know could be the primary reason why you are so inclined to see the numbers on the clock when they conform to your birthday numbers.
The numerology energies represented by your numerology chart are real. They are as they are.
However, a person does not have to be at their effect if they choose to live otherwise. Free will prevails. To not be at effect means first knowing the energy is there.
Now that you know, you have more control.
If you wish to know more, follow the above links. Each has an additional link to an online numerology tool that can be used to obtain an interpretation for that particular aspect of your numerology chart.
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