Numerology Answers > What Does This Number Mean?

12's, 6's, and 3's

I have been realizing that the number 12 comes up a lot. It showed up in a relationship of mine every time we broke up and got back together. Also in a new relationship I tried. Plus in the years as a child in my baby book shows a lot of three's. Six also shows up to also 3. They are all half of each other: half of 12 is 6 and half of 6 is 3; everything leads back to 3. The year I graduate is 2013 if you added each number you would get 6. Please help explain this.

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

Your numerology destiny number and your numerology heart's desire number are both the number 7. This makes it highly likely you will try to find reasons for things about yourself and about people during your entire life. The number 7 is spiritual, inquisitive, mentally sharp, somewhat of a perfectionist, looks within for answers, and has an inner connection to ancient wisdom.

Your life path number 1 makes it likely that much of what you do during your lifetime will be done by yourself or as a leader. The destiny number 7 is not such a good leader, more an introspective number. But the life path number 1 tends to bring you into situations where you feel you have to take charge.

The day of the month you were born is day 3. The numerology number 3's essence is known for its creative self-expression. But that's not why I bring it up.

I bring up the number 3 because it may be one reason why you started seeing the 3 and its doubled results, 6 and 12. I suspect, once you started seeing the numbers, you then began to see them more and more.

Like attracts like. With the 3 as one of your major numbers, it is more likely you see it in your environment. Generally only one (if any) of a persons major numbers are seen more frequently than is normal.

It is generally easy to find any number within any situation involving names and/or dates once a person starts to look for the number and calculates things this way and that way. It's not astounding that such numbers are uncovered, not to numerologists. But the inexperienced person may assign unwarranted high significance to the numbers thus revealed. It could drive a person bonkers looking for meaning in deceptive significance.

There may be a message for you in the fact that you are seeing the number 3 and its doubled results. 3 is the number of dimensions in this physical universe. 3 is also the number of points in a triangle, the minimum points that can contain an area.

Thus, 3 can be seen as a base, the lowest number that can adequately represent the universe we live in, a base from which other things can be constructed.

You are a newly minted adult. Now comes life experience that will help you define for yourself who you are and what you want to accomplish. 3 is a good number to represent that. Perhaps it is why you've been seeing it and its doubled results so much.

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