Numerology Answers > What Does This Number Mean?
3s and Multiple of 3s Everywhere

hi! i was curious why the past couple of days i've been seeing 3's and multiples of 3 EVERYWHERE!!! it's either a 3, a 33, 333, 6, 9! i constantly see angel numbers, 444, 222, 11:11, but seeing 3s has been crazy. today at work i was calling to confirm people's reservations (at a restaurant) and at least one number had 333 and the rest all had at least one 3. I broke up with my first boyfriend (i know i'm 19 i should have had more than one boyfriend) a month ago and have really been working on manifesting, affirmations, self forgiveness, etc. I met a guy i really think i like but he's horrible at communicating with everyone, so i've been working on following the laws of attraction and being confident. learning my worth has been hard. could seeing this number mean anything about me learning to use tools like this? i'd love to know what it means!
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
The thing about seeing certain numbers again and again is that the more you see them the more you will see them.
There are lots and lots of numbers in a person's environment. Occasionally, certain numbers are noticed more than others.
It's not that the number is suddenly more prevalent, just that it's noticed more.
The reason certain numbers are noticed more is because the person is alert for those numbers. Maybe the number has special meaning for them. Maybe the number has an emotional significance. Or the person wonders what it means when the number is seen.
Whatever the reason that the person is alert for the number, it's noticed when it comes around. The other numbers that come around at the same time are not noticed at all.
Noticing a number does not mean the number has a message for the person. Nor does it mean the number is now more powerful than it used to be before it was noticed.
What it does mean is that the person noticed the number. Objectively, that is all it means.
Subjectively, it can mean anything the person says, thinks, or believes it means. But that is outside the realm of numerology.
See the Starting to See Certain Numbers Again and Again article for more information about that. And also Why You See Certain Numbers All the Time.
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