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For Over 3 Years I have Seen the Number 11

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For over 3 years now I have seen the number 11. Then the number 7 & 9 along with the number 11 repetitively. I had a dream that I didn't understand until 4 days later when my dad passed on 11/14/2017. I tend to hear voices.. I think either are Angels or maybe God in some instances. My own father after he'd passed spoke to me as I was worrying about his unexpected passing. In December of 2018 before Christmas I had a vision while laying in bed one night. I seen the number 1/21 and the shadow of a bird flew above my head, not sure what type of bird, but I also see doves and owls frequently or hear them. And also find feathers and pennies/dimes and see rainbows often. I have visions often as well typically brief and unexplainable or just feelings about certain loved ones then I check up on them to find out they were struggling with an issue or life problem. I then thought that possibly this vision of 1/21 I seen might actually have been 1121 the / being a 1 instead because I still see the 11 all the time and now the 21 all the time. I see these two numbers so frequently it is unreal. Sometimes together. Sometimes separately. I went through a spell where I seen numbers that add up to 11 like 38 & 47. I also see other double digits ending in the 1 such as 31, 41, 51.. but mostly by far 11 & 21. I would like to know with all the other sightings, dreams, premonitions, visions and number frequencies... WHAT is wrong with me.. it is driving me CRAZY!! I either need to figure out what it all means or it needs to go away!! The premonitions whether by dream or vision for whatever reason, have never bothered me too much but this number frequency it seriously is out of control! I guess a lot of the other things have always happened throughout my life but not really frequent until this number thing the past 3 years or so. I am married and have been for 25 years, with 3 kids. 1121 is not any date I can relate it too.. I can't think of anything that correlates to the number 11 or 21 or 1121 or 1/21 unless it is in the future. And like everything else that has happened to me that I can't figure out, until it happens, this may be the same issue. If you have any clues or ideas I would really appreciate some input before I go nuts!! Thank you!

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

There is no need to go nuts. And seeing numbers is not an indication that anything is wrong with you.

Here's the thing: You see lots of numbers during the course of a day. Many of those you don't remember seeing. But some you do remember.

When you remember seeing a number it is because the number was subjectively noteworthy — something about it made you give it special attention. It may be noteworthy because the number has personal meaning, or because there is emotional significance associated with it. Or maybe it's because the number is interesting by itself, like a number with a unique digit arrangement (like 11:11, 1234, 884422, or other arrangement that fascinates).

With you wondering what those numbers mean, as you described, there is apt to be a whole lot of emotional significance associated with those particular numbers. It's no wonder, then, that you remember seeing them. The more you wonder what it means, the more you see them. It's only natural to notice things one has attention on.

When you remember seeing a number, it means you gave the number extra attention when you saw it — more attention than you give numbers you don't remember. Because you give the number extra attention, you remember seeing it.

See the Why You Start Seeing Certain Numbers Again and Again article for more information about that. And also Why People See Certain Numbers All the Time.

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