Numerology Answers > What Does This Number Mean?
Knowing If Seeing a Number Has Special Meaning
Perhaps there is no inherent meaning to life other than meanings we choose to give it. Then in regard to numbers one sees recurring day in and day out, it would mean the brain can't predict it. So, if it can't be predicted they why is the same number seen multiple times in a day? Wouldn't it just have to mean something? How does one know if it's BS or legit? Any insights on this?
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
There can be prediction.
Consider that a person sees many, many numbers during the course of a day. But the seeing of only a certain number or set of numbers is remembered.
The numbers that are remembered seem, to the cognizance of the person, to be the only ones that were seen.
Logically, the person is likely to concede that they saw a lot of numbers. But only the ones that are remembered seem real. In spite of logic, the person's reality is that only the remembered numbers are numbers that were seen.
Now, for the prediction.
When a person remembers only a certain number or set of numbers, they're likely to wonder why.
That's one prediction.
Here's another.
When a person wonders why they're seeing certain numbers repetitively, then they'll see the same numbers even more often.
The Why You Start Seeing Numbers Again and Again article describes how it gets started and the Why People See Certain Numbers All the Time article describes how it accelerates.
In brief, as a person lives life, they see many numbers. If a number has personal meaning, emotional significance, or unusual or unexpected characteristics or combination of digits, then that number is more likely to be remembered.
And when a person wonders if there is a special or personal meaning related to seeing the number, it gives a person incentive to pay special attention when the number is in the environment — making it even more likely to be remembered.
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