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17 and 27 and Relationships

17 and 27 seem to have significance over and over in my life. My 1st husband and were married on 2/17/91 we split up 10/27/91 and his birthday is 1/27/60. I married my 2nd husband 8/27/94 and split on 10/17/06 his birthday is 11/17/72. my 3rd love and I got together on 10/27/06 and split on 01/17/09 and his birthday is 9/27/69. Mind you all 3 of these men are also left handed. The next guy I dated we got together on 7/27/09 and split on 1/17/10 his birthday is 06/01/80 but is right handed. now the 3rd man mentioned and got back together on 05/07/10. I have 3 sons...their birth months are April (4), May (5), and August (8) which added equal 17. Is this just coincidence? Is there something I am oblivious to here? starting to get freaked out!! Thank you.

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

The 7 is a number of introspection and the wisdom within. Lots of 7's there. Your pinnacle number from year 2005 through 2014 is the number 7. The pinnacle number tends to bring in experiences related to the its number.

The number 1 is a number of independence, exploration, and leadership. Your name and your birth date are both the number 1.

The number 17 reduces to 8, which is a number related to taking charge of projects. You are currently in your middle life cycle, and the cycle number is 8. In this case of 17, it may represent taking the initiative to systematically explore the wisdom residing within yourself.

The number 2 is a number of cooperation and relationships. I see no number 2 in either your name or your birth date. However, in all the instances of the number 27 being significant for you in the experiences you related, it has to do with one or another relationship.

The number 27 reduces to 9, which is a number of holistic views, creativity, and completion. There are three 9's in your name, but not in extra significant positions. Your pinnacle number starting in 2014 will be a 9, but that is not present.

Perhaps the 1 and the 2 joined with the 7 may represent the idea of investigating your inner wisdom both independently and in cooperation with another.

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