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Grandma Passing and the Number 22
My girlfriend's grandma died a few days ago. Since then a lot of things have been happening around the number 2. A clock her grandma gave her chimed at 10:00 pm and then again at 10:02 pm. 22 emails, 22 fb notifications, 22 comments on the post about her grandma passing. It seems like the number is popping up everywhere. She believes there is a meaning behind it and it is bugging her and will until she can find some information. Please help. Thank you.
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
Because the number relates to your girlfriend and her grandma, your February birth month (the number 2) probably has little to do with 2 and 22 popping up like they do. And I don't see the number 22 anywhere in your numerology chart.
Therefore, the number probably has personal meaning to your girlfriend, or emotional significance — some special meaning.
People see lots and lots of different numbers every day. Noticing a number with a special meaning makes it more likely that seeing is remembered.
The more instances of seeing the number that are remembered, and the other seen numbers not remembered, the more it seems the number is just popping up everywhere.
Then, the more a person wonders about seeing a certain number, wondering if there's a special meaning or message associated with it, the more the person's conscious attention is directed to the number whenever the number is anywhere in their environment. Why People See Certain Numbers All the Time describes how that works.
The Seeing the Same Number index has links to additional information that may apply.
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