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3:27 Every Time
Recently almost every time I've happened to glance at the time it has been my birth date. The other night I woke up out of my sleep and it was 3:27 again. (my birthday is 3:27)
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
Seeing your birthday on a clock is more common than a person might think.
A clock time can represent the month and day of every birthday. It happens at least once a day, twice a day for people using 12-hour clocks.
Occassionally, a person will notice their birthday as a time on a clock, perhaps for two or more days in a row, and wonder if it means something.
Wondering if it means something sensitizes a person to the thing that is wondered about. Which makes it more likely to be noticed again.
In the case of a clock time being wondered about, the person's conscious attention is likely to be drawn to a nearby clock at that time. Certain clock times are especially likely to be seen again and again, as most people have an innate sense of time and their subconscious can throw hints to the conscious mind when a certain clock time is imminent.
Read up on the number 3 and the number 27. They're beautiful numbers.
Your life path is also the number 3. (The life path number is calculated from the birth date.)
Reducing your day of birth results in the number 9 (2+7=9). Reducing your year of birth also results in the number 9 (1+9+9+8=27, 2+7=9).
Therefore, you have two distinct connections in your birth date, (i) the 3 birth month with the 3 life path and (ii) the reduced-to-9 birth day and birth year.
The numbers of both your life period cycles and your pinnacle cycles are composed only of numbers 3 and 9.
They are good numbers. Both of them. Use the above links to learn about them.
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