Numerology Answers > What Does This Number Mean?
11, 11, Always 11
I was seeing the clock at 9:11 all the time. Then it had increase. Now I see it at all the time. Now 2:11. It doesn't matter what time, I just see 11. Then the other day at the store the lady in front of me he total was 9.11. I was like oh my's getting worse...kind of freakin' me out..whats going on??? Please help!!!
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
The seeing 11 repetitively article may help.
You do have a special affinity for the number 11, as it is the master number of the vowels of your name. The vowels number indicates the heart's desire. 11 is a spiritual number with spiritual yearnings and can be a good teacher.
Still, there is no need to have it be in your face with its presence. Read the story. Then, when you see the number 11 in the future, let it be a reminder of your spirituality instead of something unknown and feeling a need to wonder about it.
By the way, yours is the first person's numbers I've calculated for these Numerology Answers that has 1, 2, 3, and 4 as the major numbers.
Your consonants total is 1. Your vowels total is 2. Your name number is 3. And your birth date number is 4. Further, there are more letters with the number 5 in your name than letters with any other number.
There is no extra significance in it except that it doesn't happen very often.
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