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He Often Used 6363 for Codes

Image for 'He Often Used 6363 for Codes' numerology answer

My birthday is [date removed]. My husband's date of birth is [date removed]. He died [date removed]. He was always about numbers. Made wishes at 11:11. "Felt" good about our wedding day being 7/7/17. He often used 6363 for codes. His favorite number was 15 throughout his life. He loved math because he said it's the one thing that will always be constant. I can't help but feel like there is a reason he died on that date. Mostly, negative thoughts.

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

Numerology has no calculations for determining a person's date of death or for determining why someone died on a certain date. I understand there is a search for reasons, especially with the date of his transition relating to your birth date as it does. But numerology is not a tool suited for that.

However, I can talk about numbers.

In numerology, numbers represent certain numerology energy. The energy can be interpreted according to how the interpreter determines it applies to the situation in question.

There are also general interpretations. The number meanings index has links to hundreds of individual articles for specific numbers. You'll find the links at the "Quick Links to Individual Number Meanings" box at the top of the links list. For numbers not on that list, the any number calculator can be used.

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