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The Science Behind Seeing 10:13

Image for 'The Science Behind Seeing 10:13' numerology answer

For years, I have been regularly seen the time 10.13. When it is exactly 10.13, I look at the phone or the clock. Why does it happen to me, what's behind this? I am eager to know the science behind this. Please help me

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I'm uncertain what you mean by the science. But these two articles talk about how it appears to work:

Here is a quick overview:

A person sees many numbers during the course of a day.

When a number is particularly noted, more than other numbers, then the noted number is more likely to be remembered. Because the other numbers have now been forgotten, it seems as if the noted number is the only one being seen.

The reason a certain number or sets of numbers are more likely to be noted (to be given more mental attention) at the moment they are seen is because the number has a personal meaning, an emotional significance, or is itself striking in some way.

When a person wonders why they see certain numbers, they attach emotional significance to the number. This practically ensures they will remember seeing the number even more often.

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