Numerology Answers > What Does This Number Mean?

Time Ending In 43 Or 44

Almost everytime I look at the time, it's ending in 43 or 44, but mostly 44. I know we are in a 7 year universally; not sure if that has anything to do with it. I am unhappy in my life and I know I am supposed to be on a different path. I'm wondering if 43 is some sort of message, sign, or something I need to pay attention to to get to where I belong.

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

In general, people tend to lean toward the resonance of the universal year. But that's unlikely why you're seeing 43 so often; otherwise, I think we would be receiving more questions pertaining to that number.

The number 43 resonates with introspection, connecting with ancient wisdom residing inside you, and finding answers within in a methodical manner. It has other meanings, which you'll find at the link.

Doing things in a methodical manner may take a bit of effort as there is no number 4 in your birthdate or your name — no letters "D," "M," or "V." The number 4 is the number that resonates with method, focus, and doing the work required to stay on course and get the job done. Even though there's no number 4 at any of your major numerology chart positions, a persistent and methodical approach can be done and you can do it.

The number 44 has to do with efficiency, conscientiousness, and building something that lasts and is likely to benefit people for a long time.

The links on the index to repetitively seeing certain numbers page may contain information with which you can determine what personal meaning is associated to your seeing 43 and 44 on the clock as often as you do.

Your life period cycle and your pinnacle cycle both are currently the number 3. The number 3, among other characteristics, resonates with creative expression of ideas. If you're able to connect with that energy, you may find your way to the path you feel is the correct one for you.

In my life experience, I've found that when I follow my feelings with integrity, things generally work out in such a way that I feel confident I'm on the right track to fulfill my destiny, whatever it may be.

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