Numerology Answers > What Does This Number Mean?
:51 On the Clock
I've been seeing :51 every time I look at my digital clock in my phone or in my watch. I'm working as an internal security and many things happens that makes me come up looking at the time with :51. Like when somebody gets inside the store, I have to see what time he entered our area and it is 12:51 or 13:51. Today I woke up checking what time is it already, it was 02:51 so I went back to sleep. Later my girlfriend woke up asking me what time is it cause she's leaving for work at early morning, the time was 04:51, gosh its freakin' me out. After that, as we are leaving (had to drive her to work) I thought, don't tell me its :51 again when I come back. I got back home later and check my phone, the time is 07:51 so I was like AAAAAAH! Its scaring me already... What does this mean?
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
The number 51 represents home, family, health, harmony, and belief — with an overlay of expression of personal freedom and leadership. Think of its influence as stimulating the action of taking the lead in expressing your own sense of personal freedom by creating an atmosphere where people feel at home and part of a family.
I see no number 51 in your numerology chart. However, The energies are similar to both your personality number and your life path number. (Also your power number, but that number won't come into significant force until year 2030.)
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