Numerology Answers > What Does This Number Mean?
Seeing Numbers and times with Identical Digits
Every day for the past few weeks, I've been compelled to look at a clock at the exact moment to find the sequence of numbers being 10:10, 11.11, 12.12, 1.11, 2.22, 3.33, 4.44 & 5.55. This happens every time to me. I was told to make a wish when I see these numbers, and I do. Is there someone spiritual watching over me? Why does this happen? I recently moved across country and perhaps I'm being told that someone's watching over me?
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
With numerology, I can provide meanings for numbers. But reasons for seeing certain numbers is outside the realm of numerology. The Seeing Numbers with All the Same Digits article may contain clues to solving the mystery for you.
Some aspects of your chart may help with your finding the solution.
From your destiny number, which is the number 7, I gain the understanding that you are particularly sensitive to mysteries.
Generally, people are sensitive to mysteries. But those with the number 7 in any of the core numerology chart positions experience more pull to solve the mysteries they encounter, especially mysteries somehow related to themselves.
Another difference between the 7 and some of the other single-digit numbers is that the 7 feels compelled to keep looking for the correct answer until its found and some of the other numbers tend to accept the first seemingly plausible answer as correct.
On the other hand, both your personality number and your life path number are the number 5. This tells me you're able to let go of a mystery if life circumstances change and it seems the mystery no longer applies. And with the number 5 in those core positions, it's highly likely that your life will change from time to time. Of course, everybody's life changes. But the 5 tends to be especially attracted to new experiences.
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