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22 Minutes Past the Hour
I keep waking up at 22 minutes past the hour, every single hour. As you can imagine, this is exhausting. I am a stay at home mum, so I have to be awake during the day to look after my son. I was wondering if there is any significance to the fact it is 22 minutes past. I have tried researching it, but can only seem to find answers about 11.11 or 3am or 3.08. I am hoping if there is any significance, you will be able to tell me, so hopefully I can maybe work with whatever the significance is, and be able to sleep through the night. I do not regularly see the number 22 at any other point during the day, just at night. Thanking you in advance.
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Yes, that must be exhausting.
The number 22 is a builder. Read, also, about the master number 22, which you'll find tends to be a spiritual essence.
There is no number 22 in your numerology chart. Therefore, I'm thinking something in your environment is waking you up at 22 minutes after every hour — someone's alarm, mobile device notifications, a neighbor working nights, certain traffic and noise in the street (such as deliveries), or train whistles.
Knowing the meaning of the numbers may help. But if there's something in your enviroment waking you up, take care of that first. (It's the way 22 would do things.)
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