Numerology Answers > What Does This Number Mean?
The Number 13 For Almost 3 Years
I've seen number 13 a lot for almost 3 years (When I look at clock). It's my unlucky number, whenever I saw it, something bad may come to me or people I know. I want to know what exactly meaning of it? Thanks
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
13 is a wonderful number. Read more about the number 13 here.
Just because you saw the number 13 on the clock when something bad happened doesn't mean the number 13 is unlucky. It only means something bad happened at that particular time.
Bad things happen at other times, too, when you're not looking at the number 13.
Because you're focused on 13 being unlucky, you tend to forget the bad things that happen without 13 and remember the bad things that happen with 13. Belief is reinforced that way.
It's one way belief works — it tends to remember things that validate it and not remember things that invalidate it.
If you must assign cause, then look into the events and circumstances that directly affected or precipitated the bad thing.
So long as you assign responsibility to things that can't possibly make bad things happen, that is how long you will be impotent and unable to do anything about bad things happening.
I realize it's tempting to assign responsibility to luck or assign "unlucky" status to certain numbers or colors or people — even when knowing in the heart that it isn't correct — especially when the real reason is a mystery.
Some things a person can't keep from happening. But that's not a valid reason to say it is something else's responsibility, something that can't possibly have caused the bad thing.
I also realize people need answers — even if the answer is wrong. Some people would rather have a wrong answer than no answer at all. But accepting a wrong answer and pretending it's right will forever block the person from knowing the right answer.
Read about the number 13. You'll find it's a wonderful number. It doesn't deserve to be accused of things it could never do.
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