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Number 11 a Presence for My Daughter

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Curious why the number 11 is such a presence for my daughter, who passed away [date removed]. Ironically was born [date removed] and was born at 11:56 am.

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

I am sorry for your loss.

It is rare for numbers to be evenly distributed when they relate to events and lives. Which means some number virtually always occurs more often than other numbers.

If all numbers associated with your daughter were written down and each number's occurrences counted, it may be a number other than 11 that happens the most. However, because the number 11 is emotionally associated with your daughter, you remember seeing the number 11 whenever you see it during your perusal of related events and circumstances, when you might not remember seeing other numbers.

The number 11 being the day number your daughter was born and the day number your daughter passed away, and the hour she was born, can make that particular number seem quite significant.

If it is significant, it would be in a way that is outside the realm of numerology calculations.

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