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Seeing 12 Since Being a Child

Ever since I was a child, the number 12 has appeared to me all the time. When I tell people about this, it usually appears, be it on a building or even a chair lift (like the ones you go on when skiing). I've had comments on how weird it is. I'm not sure if it's because I consciously look for it now... or if it could have some kind of meaning in my life. I would like to know more.

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

The number 12 is a creative number, especially as pertains to individualistic self expression.

The number 12 reduced to a single digit to reveal its basic vibration is the number 3.

Beginning in January, a few months from now, your life period cycle number will be the number 3. You're likely to begin feeling the energy of the number 3 in a month or so, getting stronger until the beginning of the new year.

The reason you're repetitively seeing the number 12 is likely to be because it's a number of personal interest. Seeing it since being a child, it may have started because it's your birthday. It's a special number, especially for children. As with most special numbers, seeing it is likely to be remembered.

The Why You Start Seeing Certain Numbers Again and Again page explains how that works.

Most likely the reason you still keep seeing the number 12 (remembering when you see the number rather than remembering all the other numbers you see), is because seeing it so often has become a mystery. Why People See Certain Numbers All the Time explains why, once a person wonders about it, they're likely to see the number even more often.

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