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The Number 69 Everywhere

Image for 'The Number 69 Everywhere' numerology answer

For the past year I have been seeing the number 69, it's everywhere. I see it on my receipts when I make a purchase, just today I made a new cell phone purchase with a prepaid card, the number 69 is on the receipt 5 times, the sku number on the new phone box is 69. I also have seen it on my phones, different files that get sent to me, I see it on websites that I go to. My phones have been hacked repeatedly. Every time I get a new phone, it gets hacked. I don't know what is going on but I need help!!!

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

One thing to realize is that you also see other numbers, too, everywhere. However, because you don't remember seeing the other numbers it seems to you as if 69 is the only one you see.

Of all the numbers you see, the one you put most of your attention on is the one you remember.

It is not the number's fault. It just is. Just like other numbers, they just are.

What happens when you see the number 69 is different than what happens when you see other numbers. When you see 69, you give it special attention.

It's like you see the number and you immediately think, "There it is. Again!" and your mind ensures you remember that you saw it. It's as simple as that. Whatever you give more of your attention is more likely to be remembered.

Expect to continue to remember seeing the number 69 everywhere so long as you give it special attention when you see it — more or different attention than you give other numbers when you see them.

Regarding the phone, I would suggest talking to a security expert. Perhaps they can identify something you tend to do (or not do) that makes your phone more vulnerable to hacking.

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