Numerology Answers > What Does This Number Mean?
02 Everywhere for Years
I have been seeing the number 02 everywhere for years. I started taking notice b/c it seemed like every time I looked at the clock it read 10:02, which is my birthdate. Over the last year or so, I seem to see it more and more often, so I started paying closer attention. It now seems as though it's really the number 02 that is consistently coming's not always coupled with 10. Does this mean something? The curiosity of why or what it could mean is driving me nuts. Thanks so much!
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
In numerology, 02 and 2 have identical resonance. The base resonance of the number 2 contains the ideas of relationships, companionship, teamwork, and diplomacy.
Your attention may be attracted to 02 because like attracts like. The number 2 occurs in several places in your numerology chart:
You are in your second life period cycle. The first cycle had as its number your month of birth. The second cycle has as its number your day of birth. The transition from the first cycle to the second was in year 2004. (The timing of the life period cycles are calculated from the birth date.)
Your heart's desire number is 2. This number is calculated from the vowels of your name.
Your life path number is 2. This number is calculated from your birth date.
Like does attract like.
It is not a bad thing to see aspects of yourself in your environment. Which is what the number 2 is.
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