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Seeing Repeated Numbers Repeatedly

I'm starting to recognize and see numbers and repeated numbers as well, and it's my first in life to experience something like that. The first number I saw was 11:11 then 3:33 and 2:22 . What does that mean, and really I'm having feelings towards this weird experience. Please help me because I'm in a part in my life that I have to take practical direction and decisions. Regards.

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

The kind of numbers people generally see again and again are numbers with personal meaning, numbers with emotional significance, and numbers that seem unusual to the person seeing them (like numbers with repeated digits).

People see many, many numbers during the course of a day. But not all those numbers are remembered. It's the kind of numbers mentioned above that a person generally remembers seeing.

The numbers a person remembers seeing are the only numbers the person feels are being seen. When only certain numbers are remembered, it can seem as if those numbers are being seen repeatedly when other numbers are not.

See these two articles for information about how that works:

If you are interested in the meaning of certain numbers that you keep seeing, the number meanings index contains links to pages with meanings of many individual numbers. If you don't find a number on the list, the Meaning Of Any Number Calculator tool can be used.

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