Numerology Answers > What Does This Number Mean?
11:17 On Clocks Almost Every Day
I see 11:17 on clocks, watch's, just about anywhere time is found, almost every day. And the more I see (11:17) the more I believe it may mean something. I would like to add that my birthday is also 1117, so does it mean anything at all???
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
It's likely related to your birthday. The birthday numbers have personal meaning for you.
I don't see 11 or 17 in any major position of your numerology chart other than your birthday numbers. I'm certain you're seeing the numbers because you recognize them as your birthday numbers.
Of all the numbers in a person's environment, the ones seen most often are those with personal meaning or with emotional significance.
Actually, many numbers are seen. But the ones a person generally remembers seeing are those with meaning or significance. See Why You Start Seeing Certain Numbers Again and Again for an explanation of why that is.
When a person remembers seeing certain numbers repetitively, then the person may wonder if there's a special or personal meaning associated with the seeing.
That wondering creates a mystery, an unanswered question.
Now, the person is much more likely to notice those particular numbers more often. The numbers are in the person's mind. There's a compulsion to solve the mystery. The subject of the mystery, therefore, is likely to attract the conscious attention like a magnet.
The more the person sees the numbers, the more the mystery is built, and the more the person sees the numbers. Why People See Certain Numbers All the Time explains that.
A mystery related to seeing certain numbers is like a high-powered combination of personal meaning and emotional significance. A person can't help but notice the numbers whenever they're available to be noticed.
When the mystery is solved, you'll still see the numbers from time to time, just like you did before. But the compulsion is likely to dissipate, either slowly or quickly, but still dissipate completely.
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