Numerology Answers > What Does This Number Mean?
12, 1221, and Other Numbers With Repetitive Digits
Over the last couple months, I have noticing a bunch of different number patterns. 1111, 111, 333, 444, 555, 777, 1122, 1133, 1144, 1155, but mostly 12 and 1221. I feel like my life is hitting a turning point where it feels like it's finally starting, but I still struggle with staying positive. Whenever I try to find meaning in the numbers, I get overwhelmed because it's a constant bombardment of different patterns. I just wish I could make some sense of it all so I can move into a space of confidence and do the work I was meant to do. I appreciate any input you feel could help me to better understand what I need to learn from all this. Even if you don't respond to this question, I appreciate what you're doing for others on this site, as I also strive to help make a positive impact on people everyday.
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
With your life path number being the master number 11, it's likely that other spiritual-related life questions have presented themselves to you in the past and more will in the future.
I'll point out something that may help you with this one:
Of all the numbers a person sees every day, the ones most likely to be remembered are the ones the person is sensitized to. Generally, that would be numbers with personal meaning, emotional significance, or with unusual patterns. But it can also be numbers a person wonders about.
Wondering if seeing numbers with patterns has a special meaning for you virtually guarantees you'll remember seeing those numbers whenever they're available for noticing.
Mentally, the numbers you remember seeing are the only numbers you've seen. Thus, because you remember seeing only those types of numbers, it seems like you're seeing only those types of numbers — in spite of the fact that logically you know you've seen other numbers, too.
Numerology can be used to help understand the meaning of the energy represented by numerology numbers. However, numerology calculations can't reliably determine the personal meanings of why certain numbers are seen.
Actually, the meaning behind seeing those numbers as often as you do might have nothing to do with the meaning of the numbers themselves. It's more likely to be the simple fact that that's where your attention is. The Why You Start Seeing Certain Numbers Again and Again article and the Why People See Certain Numbers All the Time article have more information about that.
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