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The Universe and the Number 13

3 years ago my father died and my friends were not there for me. So I let go of them, including my brother in law. But I have missed them since. But for the past year every time I think of them, mainly my former best friend, I see the number 13. I could be thinking of them and I look at the clock or an advertisement in the street etc. and I see the number 13. A few months ago I ran into my brother in law in the subway and the date was the 13th. That day I was issued a summons for something I practically do everyday without getting caught. Ever since that day I been scared to bring them back in my life due to fear something bad might happen to me in general for them being around. Maybe the universe is warning me to stay away from them or maybe to come back? This has been driving me so crazy this year that I have even been getting bad nose bleeds due to stress. My best friends Name is [name removed] and is Birth date is [date removed].

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

Most of what you're revealing isn't something I can use numerology to calculate reliable results for. However, I can say this, from my personal life experience:

The Universe doesn't warn. It just is.

Determining best actions can be done by following feelings of excitement with integrity.

The number 13 is a wonderful number. Click the link and find out about it.

13 isn't in your numerology chart, so the interpretation of it's meaning needs to be done in relation to the circumstances you describe (instead of in relation to a chart position).

In your chart, your destiny is the number 11. In your chart, the number 11 is a master number, which you'll want to read about as it may pertain to the situations you describe.

Your current life period cycle number is also the number 11.

I wish you the best.

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