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Stopped Seeing 11:11 for a Time, Then Started Again

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My mother died in a horrible car accident when I was 12. My only child committed suicide at age 21 and I have been seeing 11:11 since my teens. I turned 50 Jan 2018. I stopped seeing 11:11 for a little time, but then I started seeing it again. Any significance?

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

The correlation I see in your chart is your personality number and this year's personal year number. Both are the master number 11. The personality number is part of your name, so would be with you your entire life. The personal year number lasts for a year and may be repeated 9 or 18 years later, or some other multiple of 9.

With those in your chart, there may have been enough attraction for you to remember 11:11 the first time you saw it. Then remember it again for the same reason and also because you remembered seeing it earlier.

People see lots of numbers. But the numbers they remember seeing generally are remarkable or notable in some way. Perhaps they have personal meaning or emotional significance. Or they have a unique construction, like 11:11 has repetitive numbers. Or there is some other attraction, perhaps a resonance with the person's numerology chart. (Why You Start Seeing Certain Numbers Again and Again)

When a person wonders if there is a reason for seeing a certain number, they now have invested an emotional significance. With that, they are likely to remember seeing the number more often than they have before. (Why People See Certain Numbers All the Time)

Those are generally the reasons people repetitively see the same numbers or, rather, remember seeing the same numbers.

Numerology numbers themselves represent certain energies. Here are links to the ones in your question.

Understanding the energy the numbers represent may help with your quest to find meaning.

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