Numerology Answers > What Does This Number Mean?

Ubiquitous 666

Within the last two weeks my husband and I have been encountering the number 666. It first started when I received a check (arising from my self employment) the check was for $666.00. A couple of days later at the insurance comany we had a bill to pay for 356.66. Prior to these happenings I placed an order for some specialty cheese. A couple of days after the insurance company incident the cheese shop called and said my cheese was in and that it was 6.66 Per pound and just yesterday my husband came out of a convenience store with a receipt for the items he had purchased... The total of our purchase was 26.66. In addition to the number 666 my husband had a black cat cross his path... And he just stopped short of walking under a latter and now that I think of it... There have been a total of 6 things that have our superstitious minds whirling. We are not crazy people... But, this is freaking us out enough that it warrants some insight from a third party... Please help!

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

There are no letters representing a 6 in your name. That may be one reason you attract the number into your consciousness.

Not having your husband's name or birth date at hand, I am unable to determine whether or not he has a similar vacuum to attract the number. Perhaps, the numbers of both your names cumulative have a story to tell.

Avail yourself of the Professional Numbers Calculation page to see what numbers come up.

This is nothing to be afraid of. Noticing certain numbers more than others for periods of time is rather common. The twist comes when there is a fear or reticence associated with that perception. The consciousness then becomes attuned to the number even more, which enhances it's susceptibility to notice that number more than others.

Because of the particular number that has been thrust into your perception, the number 666 meaning article may be of interest.

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