Numerology Answers > What Does This Number Mean?
8, 18, and 17:17
Dear Sir or Madam, I always get a combination of 8 and 18 in my life and 8s have always been a good sign for me. Yet, recently I started seeing 17:17 all the time on the clock. Please, could you provide me with a meaning of the numbers mentioned above. Thank you.
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
The number 8 is found in your numerology chart in several places. It may be one reason the number is attracted to you.
Your personality number is an 8. Your current life period cycle number is an 8. And your fourth pinnacle number (beginning year 2039) will be an 8.
The basic meanings of most of the numbers you asked about are stated in the articles linked to here:
- The number 8.
- The number 18.
- The number 17.
- The number 1717 at the any number calculator.
As you read the articles, you'll notice that the meanings of the numbers 8 and 17 are similar in many of their aspects. That's because the single-digit representation of 17 is the number 8 (as you'll read about in the 17 article.)
Those are basic meanings, the numbers' essences. The basic meanings need to be interpreted according to the relevant situation or event to get deeper, more significant number meanings.
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