Numerology Answers > What Does This Number Mean?

13th of November, 13, and 13:13

Image for '13th of November, 13, and 13:13' numerology answer

I went to visit my uncle's grave on the 13th of November. Afterwards my sister and I went for lunch and we were sat at table 13 in the pub where he used to drink. On finishing my lunch and getting up to leave I checked my phone for the time it was 13.13. What does this mean?

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

Numerology numbers represent certain energy. The energy is what it is regardless what personal significance a person might assign.

A number's energy can be interpreted in relation to certain conditions or events, but there is no numerology calculation specifically and only to determine personal significance. In other words, it would be an interpretation of the number's energy and not if, or how much, significance is imbued in it.

The number 13, among other things, resonates with building a secure foundation for the future. And the number 13:13 with business and efficiency.

The number 13 may have had other personal meaning or emotional significance for you before the November 13 date. A person sees so many numbers during the course of a day that such a condition is generally present when a person makes a special note of a number and remembers seeing it.

It's the numbers we remember that seem significant.

As an example, you're likely to have looked at the phone a number of times, but you remember the 13:13 time and what you were doing at the moment.

Why People See Certain Numbers All the Time has more information about that.

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