Numerology Answers > What Does This Number Mean?

Seeing 10 and 18 All the Time

My twin brother & I were born October 18, 1979. My brother passed 10 days later so he was 10 days old..which was October 28. My mom birthday...& grandmother too. I see the numbers 10:18 all the time everyday...or just 18?? What does this mean?

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

Numbers with personal meaning or emotional significance are seen repetitively more than are other numbers. Thus, it's no surprise that you're seeing the numbers that you're seeing.

The reason is this: When the number is seen, there's a moment of memory or emotional connection. That connection makes it much more likely that you'll remember seeing the number.

Therefore, it's not so much seeing the number more often than other numbers. Rather, it's remembering seeing the number more than remembering seeing other numbers.

It's essentially how people start seeing numbers repetitively.

Now, there's a reason seeing the number persists and becomes even more repetitive, so much so that it can seem to the person that they're seeing the number all the time. And that reason is wondering if there's a reason for seeing the number so often.

The wondering sets up a mystery. A mystery gets the subconscious involved, which is compelled to solve it. To help solve the mystery, the subconscious tries to direct conscious attention to whatever might help solve the mystery. Therefore, whenever the number is in the environment, the person is more likely to see it when it's associated with a mystery.

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