Numerology Answers > What Does This Number Mean?

6-16 in Three Ways

My daughter's mom was born 6 16. She died when my daughter was 9, then a few days later my son was born 6 16 07. Now this week I've met a woman I like and she was born 6 16. What can it mean?

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

Coincidences like that can make it seem like there really must be an associated meaning. And there may be meaning associated.

I can provide meanings for the numbers themselves. But personal meaning isn't calculable in numerology with an acceptable degree of accuracy.

The number 6 has to do, among other things, with family, nurturing, health, harmony, and beliefs. It's a combined maternal and paternal energy with the concept of family generally encompassing friends and, sometimes, the immediate neighborhood.

The number 16 has to do, among other things, with finding answers within and thinking things through. Unlike the 6, the number 16 is comfortable being alone and studying and working through things by itself.

The only major position in your numerology chart with the number 6 is a challenge position. I don't find the number 16 at all. If there is personal meaning associated with the events and timing you mention, perhaps a psychic or tarot reader can help.

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