Numerology Answers > What Does This Number Mean?
6, 666, 12, and 21
Hello. I have been seeing the number 6, or a sequence of it (like 666) for a long time. At first I was scared because of the bad connotation it has. But then I found out it has brighter meanings. Does it? Past that, as I deepen myself into the world of collaborative economy, the time 12:21 on the clock has been a thing. Today I searched about it and got to your website and the answer you had given to another user was astonishing to me. 12 meaning creative expression and 21 cooperative creative expression. Just wow! I wonder if the correlation of this numbers would mean something deeper. Thank you!
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
I can talk about the numerology meanings of numbers, and point out synchronicities. Whether or not there are deeper personal meanings beyond what numerology works with and can calculate will need to be determined by you.
Numerology number meanings are the nature of the energies the numbers represent.
Yes, the energies of the number 12 and the number 21 are creative. Creative expression is their primary resonance. The primary resonance of your destiny number, which is the number 3, is also creative expression.
Now, for the number 6, the number 666, and other numbers with multiples of the digit 6: Except for yearly and shorter cycles, which contain every positive single-digit number in turn, there's no number 6 anywhere in your numerology chart, not even as represented by any of the individual letters of your name.
An article that might help, if you continue seeing certain numbers repetitively, is Why People See Certain Numbers All the Time.
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