Numerology Answers > What Does This Number Mean?
Always 10:10 or 11:11 or 1:11
For the past month (at least) it seems that every single time I look at the clock it is either 10:10 or 11:11 or 1:11. I've had it happen in the past, but never for a month (or more) straight.
It's kind of starting to drive me crazy with interest as to WHY this is happening to me all of a sudden and so frequently.
Could someone please give me some info and/or advice?
Thank you so much in advance!!
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
The vowels number of your name and your name number itself are both number 11. The abundance of that vibration may be one reason your subconscious is so adamant about bringing the number to your attention.
The number 1, however, is missing from your full birth name (as provided when asking your question). Which may have the opposite effect, bringing your attention to what is missing.
The number 2 is also missing from your name. But the number 11 makes up for that because it reduces to the number 2 (1+1=2).
The number 1 is about independence, self-sufficiency, leadership and scientific investigation. The number 2 is about teamwork, cooperation, relationships, and diplomacy. The number 11 has the traits of the 2 but more related to spiritual points of view - study groups, spiritual teaching, making related material available.
I hope that helped a little bit.
I see that in January 2012 your pinnacle number is changing from the number 4 (paying attention to details, building a foundation for the future) to the number 8 (directing work crews/employees, building public works for society's future).
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