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I See the Number 23 Very Often

Image for 'I See the Number 23 Very Often' numerology answer

I see the number 23 very often... every time I look at the clock, before then I keep seeing 11, 44, and 55. I have been pursing to be a keynote speaker for Trauma victims. But I've been having a hard time sustaining a income. What could this be trying to tell me?

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

Numerology calculations can reveal types of events and circumstances that are likely to occur, and it can reveal tendencies. But calculations about subjective meanings of events, event synchronicities, or what certain events could be telling someone are all outside the realm of numerology.

Number meanings can be found at the index to number meaning articles. Each of the numbers you mentioned have an article about the number. You'll see a link to open all the number links at the top of the index.

Of all the numbers you see during the course of a day, it is the number 23 you remember seeing. Perhaps there are other numbers you see more often, but you just don't remember seeing those numbers.

There is something about the number 23 in your life or your mentality that makes 23 more special than any other number. When you see the number your notice that you're seeing it. That notice is the reason you remember the sight. Why People See Certain Numbers All the Time has more information about that.

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