Numerology Answers > What Does This Number Mean?

Seeing Time of Birth On the Clock All the Time

I see the number 603 all the time, usually it is presented as 6:03. It is the time of my birth. What does this mean?

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

Because you're aware of your time of birth, you're more likely to notice the numbers when they are in your environment and more likely to remember seeing them.

The numerology number 6 means, among other things, harmony and idealism. The numerology number 3 means, among other things, creative self-expression and optimism. And, the numerology number 603 means, among other things, compassion and tolerance.

Other than the number of cycles with a duration of one year or less, the number 6 is nowhere in your chart. But the number 3 is at two major name numbers, your heart's desire number and your destiny number. The third major name number is the personality and it's the number 9, the number you get when you reduce the number 603 to it's single-digit vibration.

The frequency of the number 3 in your major chart positions, along with the number 9, may contribute to your seeing your birth time as often as you do. Like tends to attract like.

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