Numerology Answers > What Does This Number Mean?

Favorite Number 7

Image for 'Favorite Number 7' numerology answer

My favorite number has always been 7, I remember I've loved it since early childhood and I hadn't found out it was a lucky number until I was much older. My birthday is [date removed], my moms birthday is [date removed], my dad's birthday is [date removed], and my fiancé and I started dating on [date removed]. I see the number 7 quite often which I'm not sure if its coincidence or if it just sticks out to me because I love the number. Or maybe it's something spiritual. Is there a reason why I have always gravitated towards this number and why my parents and fiancé also have some connection to it?

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

7 is a wonderful number. The numerology energy it represents resonates with both analytical observation and intuition, and with obtaining answers through introspection.

As you noted, your birth date has one digit 7 within it. None of the letters of your name is represented by 7. In fact, the only place in your numerology chart that the 7 shows up as a chart position (other than short cycles of a year or less) is your fourth pinnacle cycle, which starts at age 45 for you.

There can be reasons for seeing a number other than what may be calculated with traditional numerology. The birth dates you mentioned, being the dates of people close to you, may contribute to your affinity for the number. Or, your affinity for the number may be why you notice the number 7 in other birth dates.

Whatever the reason, 7 is a good number.

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